Ren Hashimoto

The bright hunter of Kirigakure. A man of loyalty. Using his hands to snap the brittle necks of those who choose to betray their village. A simple man really.

A smile is always plastered to his face regardless of how he's feelingHis job as a hunter-nin has become his hobby, hence why he's a workaholicAlthough not knowing, he has a long lost brother that is older than him -- AkemiThe expression on his face does change into a sinister-looking one if he starts to enjoy a fightEven being older than the rest of the hunters, he likes to annoy his Taichou (Captain)Being the strange one he is, he also loves sweetsObviously he's a taijutsu user unlike most of the other huntersHe prefers a challenge when it comes down to fightingThe scent of blood is very addicting to him, hence why he likes to beat the shit out of missing-nin even when they're already deceasedHe knows the basics of kenjutsu obviously since he was raised in Kirigakure

List of
Body Techniques/Jutsu

Writer's note: I will inform all my followers with a tweet whenever I have the names of his techniques. It will take some time.

General Information

Name: Ren Hashimoto
Kanji: 蓮橋本
Known As: The Crimson Lotus / / 真紅の蓮 (Shinku no Hasu)
Age: 40 - 41 (Pre-Shipp.), 44 - 45 (Shipp.), 57 - 58 (Gaiden)
Birthday: September 16
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Hair Color: Scarlet (Red / Orange)
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 175.26 cm (5'9")
Weight: 61 kg (135 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Kekkei Genkai: None
Classification: Taijutsu User / Hunter-nin
Clan: None
Nature Type: Water Release / Wind Release
Family: Akemi ( Brother )
Affiliation: Kirigakure (Chigiri) no Sato


Ren has scarlet colored hair, a very bright red that practically changes into an orange color. He has blue eyes and his hair reaches down to his lower back, but is always tied in a braid. Distinctively, he has one single lock of hair that always sticks up from the top of his head. He always wears a Chinese traditional uniform used in martial arts, with a black and white top elbow length sleeves. He also wears grey pants that reach down into the middle of his lower legs. Ren being the well trained taijutsu user he is, has well toned and flexible muscles and fair smooth skin. Most of all, he always has a very warm and cheerful smile, even when fighting unless his other personality takes over. When his other personality takes over, his smile is still there, but his eyes widen and instead of having a cheerful look, it becomes more of a crazed or psychotic look.


Strangely being in the position of a hunter within Kirigakure's Hunter-nin unit, he is probably the friendliest one of them all. He smiles through everything regardless of what situation he is. It is also noted that he very much has his eyes closed shut most of the time unless he gets serious, but the only time he'd actually get serious is if he was in battle and he would consider it a challenge for him. Although he may not look like it, he is very dangerous. More or less, he would never show mercy to anyone, whether it be children, women or men. But when things get out of hand and he enjoys a battle with someone, his personality turns a little darker, his cheerful face turning into a crazed and sadistic look. Besides him enjoying battle to death, he'd never express himself rather than being cheerful. His feelings and such will be a mystery to all others, but himself. Teasing others is something he enjoys doing, knowing full well that the other hunters are easy to annoy. Sweets is something he absolutely loves to eat and another thing about him is that his loyalty lies with Kirigakure. There is an absolute zero chance of him betraying the village being as he was raised there.

Back Story

Rainy Days

The sky was dark, clouds filled with nothing, but sorrow and anger. A woman pants as she rushes towards a nearby village, her eyes streaming down tears that gleamed in the darkness. Trying her best to escape from the ninja that had was hunting her down, she was seen holding something or rather someone -- a child. She managed to get away by chance with that baby wrapped around in a brown ragged cloth making sure the baby was warm. Strangely enough, the child had been sleeping soundly despite the sounds of the constant downpour the rain clouds gave. After running endlessly within the village known as Amegakure, she stopped in front a large and dark cave.

More tears streamed down her pale face slowly dripping on the child's forehead. She muttered few words to the child before placing a soft kiss on the child's head. Her words were filled with a seemingly vast amount of love, but her actions weren't. Shortly after saying her peace to the little one, she placed the boy down, deeper within the cave. It was just as seen -- she was abandoning her child. She felt like there was no other way, being as the hunters that were trailing her were bound to find her once again. Walking away back to the entrance of the cave, she'd shift her head slightly back wondering if what she was doing was wrong. In mere moments, she vanished from the cave, her hand was placed on her stomach feeling a little sorrowful. The woman that had just abandoned her child was bound to conceive another. In short, she was pregnant. . .

The hatred from every village toward one another was stronger than one could imagine. Leaving the rainy village, exiting on the outskirts, a forest was nearby. Non-hesitantly, she rushed toward the dark place; it was much more safer rather than being in the wide open. Her hair would swing towards both sides in a rather violent manner, the panting that escaped through her pale lips continued on as she used all her stamina. Stopping for a few moments to catch her breath, thin branches and bundles of twigs cracking could be heard from all sides around her. Her eyes would widen as she moved her head at all sides and angles, trying to find who could've been there, but she was at a loss. Six bandits surrounded her from all sides, armed with kunai as well as swords, ready to fight. All it took was one bandit to hold the woman down, one of the men grasping her throat. It seems they were interested in using her in more than one way. Her shirt would slowly tear in the middle near her neck by the hands of the bandit. She screamed, refusing to do such things, against her will. . .
Her eyes were exhausted to the point where crying was impossible.

Through all this despite her refusal and constant screaming, the bandit wanted to shut her up. Raising his clenched fist, he'd thrust it toward her face in attempt to keep her quiet, but in an instant, the bandit found his arm parted from his body. Blood sprayed a wide area near his right side where his arm was cut cleanly off. An anbu ninja was found right behind the bandit that was taking hold of the woman. The ninja came from the village known as Kirigakure, noticing their headband. Before the bandit could move an inch, his head rolled to the ground casually. The speed of the anbu swinging their blade was great, almost impossible to see by the naked eye. During this, the pregnant woman wasn't sure if she should be thankful or scared watching as they slaughtered the bandits single handed. Walking up to the woman with his blade to the side, dripping of their blood, he removed his mask only to reveal a face with an empty expression. However, it seemed that he wasn't present for anything with bad intent. Extending his arm toward her, he instructed her to follow him as he decided to take her in and make her someone that hailed from Kirigakure after she had told him she'd no where to go. It was a much better idea than her well being on the run constantly being hunted down.

Time passed, the woman became a worker -- a forger that made weapons to be exact -- as a Kirigakure kunoichi. Not having many skills or unique talents, the Mizukage assigned her to be a forger, being as she had experience in forging weapons before. It was more or less her strong suit, but her job was tiring. After all, shinobi from Kirigakure had an abundant of missions that were assigned by the Mizukage, keeping them busy everyday. She had to, unfortunately, set aside work for the time being. The cause for this was simply because she was pregnant,nearing birth already. Since she was by herself, being the single woman she was, she had to do everything by herself. Days went on, turning into weeks, then later into months and the day finally arrived when she would give birth. Some of Kirigakure's ninja escorting her to the medic, they performed the procedure for someone who is giving birth. The preparations for this was professional of course, they instructed her to push, sweat started to roll down her head, soaking her locks slightly. It was a harsh moment for her since they had to cut her open for specific reasons, but in due time, the sound of children crying could be heard. . .
On that day, she gave birth to twins. The surgeon held the crying children for a moment before reaching out and attempting to give them to her, but by the time the surgeon realized it, she had passed. Giving birth to two other children had taken a toll on her body -- the result of her death. The twins had no one to take care of them now that their own mother passed away, it was a devastating day for the both of them.

In the end, the Mizukage appointed both children to be taken under care of a hunter-nin by the name of Hiroto - a very deadly and strict man.

Disregarding Family in Order to Grow Stronger

Being under the care of Hiroto, both children were named by him. The son being named Ren and the daughter being named Chiyoko, their last name being Hashimoto (Hiroto's last name). Hiroto was a father figure to the both of them, however he raised them not as just children, but as proper ninja or his version of what it is. At the age of seven, he began to train them vigorously regardless of their age, mostly body training being as Hiroto thought of body training an utmost importance when aiming to become strong. Their training ground was on the outskirts of Kirigakure, an empty place that was surrounded by trees and the place where they would get stronger. Their training was solely based on body training, forcing them do push ups, sit ups, pull ups, and even putting on weights attached to their legs as they ran for miles. Both siblings gained bruises from the brutal beatings his sensei gave him and his sister. This was only to motivate them and nothing more. Discipline was key to having a strong personality and that is what Ren needed in order to not only become stronger physically, but also mentally. Of course, this type of discipline was different from the rest.

Entering the academy in the time when Yagura was Mizukage, he'd literally fight his way throughout, killing each and every one of his opponents. During his time at the academy, he realized that using a sword was. . . rather boring. Clenching his fists, he thought the best way to fight was straight hand-to-hand combat -- taijutsu to be more exact. With already his body trained, he began to spar with Hiroto. Naturally, Ren would lose every time, but this made it all the better. Every single time he sparred with his sensei, he didn't hesitate to come rushing with killing intent. His mindset started to change, viewing the world from a different perspective. Thus, he'd close his eyes and place a cheerful smile on his face, closing off his emotions and his heart. Ren all the sudden became a more brighter-looking person, although his change was too sudden. Even Hiroto wasn't sure of Ren's new change, it was like he went from hardworking and youthful to a simple. . . ordinary person. A few days later, he randomly asked Hiroto-sensei to check up on something, his kunai. Holding the black kunai toward the other, Hiroto slowly reached over with his hand and took hold of the weapon. He didn't see anything wrong with it as he glanced down to inspect the kunai. In the mere moment he tilted his head upward to face him, Ren engulfed his fist with chakra before punching Hiroto's throat. Still smiling as usual, making his sensei cough up blood, Ren took out another kunai and nonchalantly gripped the hair off of his head, leaning back to caress the kunai against his crushed throat. Standing over his body, the scarlet haired taijutsu user softly chuckled before explaining that he was weak before Hiroto exhaled his last breath. It was at this time where Ren realized he was now being himself. The Ren before was weak, disgusting and more than anything -- a disgrace.

As time grew, Ren had his final task in the academy. It was a survival game and the rule was simple: kill each and every one of your comrades. Chiyoko happened to be placed in the same test where Ren was due to the Mizukage's boredom. Yagura knew that Ren had a sister and wanted to see if he could truly kill his own other sibling. Yagura was indeed quite the fearsome shinobi and can understand why now. Entering the field where fate would decide if Ren would graduate and become a true Blood Mist ninja, he stood there smiling as his eyes were closed as usual. His sister, Chiyoko put on a strong front, but deep inside she was crying. She didn't want to fight her own brother, but soon found out that Ren didn't feel the same way as he wasn't hesitant to throw the first punch aiming at her chest, fracturing her ribs and pushing her all the way at the edge of the field. Knowing his sister full well, he explained that she didn't have to hold back because he simply didn't view her as family. Running towards Chiyoko, he'd begin hand-to-hand combat, exchanging blows from one another. She was strong indeed, but not strong enough. Evading a kick that came his way towards his head, Ren brought his elbow above, crushing her leg and breaking it. Her screams were loud, but it wasn't going to stop there -- it was only the beginning. Placing her face in the palm of his hand, he throw her against the wall harshly, fracturing her skull slightly, then following with another punch to the chest causing her to lose her breathing balance. Blood spewed out of her mouth, his hand took hold of her hair, bringing her up as his closed eyes revealed his blue hues and his smile turned into a grin. In a mere moment, infusing his opened hand with chakra, he dashed it right in a horizontal angle, decapitating Chiyoko. Holding the head up high as his other comrades he's killed were laying down on the cold floor, he closed back his eyes and returned his grin back into a cheerful smile. The Mizukage glanced at Ren, but couldn't help and softly laugh. It was according to his plans, being a Blood Mist ninja is exactly what Ren was. To kill his own sister without hesitation, choosing the village over his own family to get stronger. That is exactly what he did and now that he's graduated, he was offered to join Kirigakure's Anbu unit, but he refused. More training was on his mind because he wants nothing more, but to get stronger.

Becoming a Hunter

Years after receiving his Kirigakure forehead protector, proof as graduation, he trained vigorously on his own, setting himself to do a daily five sets of five hundred push ups, pull ups, and sit ups. Usually what he would do after that was a simple run, he'd add on one hundred pound weights attached to each one of his feet. The goal was to run a mile in under six minutes with them on and so he did. His body had become well built, his muscles toned and most of all -- healthy. Training for years on his own, he'd master the Water and Wind Release as well as taijutsu. Yagura's reign had been over by now, Lady Mei taking place upon the seat of the Mizukage. Taijustu being Ren's specialty, he wasn't sure how to use his talents properly, almost feeling as if it was a waste. In short and simple terms, he was secretly yearning for battle. Completing missions that ranked from C - S, he couldn't wait any longer, Ren would simply talk to the Mizukage herself. He was rather blunt, asking how he could use his talents for battle and she'd give a simple suggestion -- the hunter-nin. Without even thinking it through at all, he decided to become a hunter-nin.

Being introduced to the Captain of the hunter-nin, Toshiro Yuki -- also known as Shadow -- Ren blinked a couple of times. He seemed very dark and also younger, Ren already grew interest in him. Maybe joining the hunters wasn't such a bad idea after all. Soon after greeting Shadow, he met the other hunters, most of them being surprisingly lively, but that wasn't problem at all being as Ren had his usual cheerful smile, attempting to be lively with them. But the real part for him choosing if he actually is fond of the hunter-nin depends on what they do -- hunt.

For his first hunt, he was ordered to hunt down a missing-nin that had been reported to be seen by the outskirts of Konohagakure. Ren readied up, placing some kunai in his back pouch and rushing out of the hunter's headquarters. Running through the entrance out of Kirigakure, this was bound to take a few days so every now and then, he'd rest for a while then return to tracking the location down. As a few days passed, the scarlet haired taijutsu user arrived at the location. According to the file and report on the missing-nin, they usually stop by a certain route to smuggle intel on Kirigakure at sundown. He patiently waits above in a tree atop of a branch casually until the sun came down. Jumping down, he placed himself behind one of the other trees waiting once again until he sees the rogue. It only took a few minutes before the rogue appeared meeting with another. . . missing-nin? Well, no matter, he'll deal with it. Smiling cheerfully, he'd wave to the two men that were exchanging intel on their villages that they've abandoned. Being spotted, they tried taking out their weapons, but only found themselves both on the ground, Ren's fists already placed on both of their chests. With the ground cracking from the impact, he took out their kunai and pulling one of their heads up, he'd slowly bash them against the ground, shattering their teeth as blood spewed from their mouth. He was already unconscious, but the beating he was going to get wasn't finished just yet. Rolling his body over, his face now facing him, he'd unleash a barrage of punches towards his face, literally breaking his head as it splattered all on the ground as well as the sleeves of Ren's clothing. As for the other guy, he tried getting away. Seeing him run away was quite the amusement, it made things even interesting. Quickly grabbing a kunai, he'd throw it precisely at their leg, causing them to fall on the ground. Seeing as it was successful, he rushed toward the other, placing his foot on his back. Using his hand to take hold of their hair, he'd pluck his head out of body with sheer force and with one hand at that. It was a simple task, something he could do for days on.

Continuing on with his missions ordered by Shadow directly being as a hunter, he grew to like his job. Eventually, hunting became a part of his life naturally, almost as if it were a hobby. The journey as a hunter was only the beginning. . .
There was much more that Ren was planning to do. . .

Writer's note: Ren's bio will be updated as more interactions with him arrive.


Before Ren was born, his mother had a child, but due to being hunted down by ninja for unknown reasons, she chose to abandon the child in a cave within Amegakure. That child later on grew to be a samurai, but abandoned his ways later on, becoming a rogue and a wanderer. He is named Akemi. The mother having just abandoned her child was carrying yet another child. Trying to run away far away within the woods on the outskirts of Amegakure, bandits found her alone and took advantage of that, attempting to use her, but shortly after, she was saved by a sympathetic Kirigakure Anbu member and chose to take her in and officially make her a kunoichi for the village since she belonged no where. She became a weapon's forger for Kirigakure, then later on conceived children -- twins to be exact. As the pregnancy was successful, the mother ended up passing away. The Mizukage put both children under care of a hunter-nin by the name of Hiroto.

The hunter named both of the children, the son Ren and the daughter Chiyoko. Hiroto later became their sensei and taught them how to train their bodies heavily, using abuse as motivation for the both of them starting at the age of seven. Through the years being in the academy with it's dark rules that Yagura came up with, Ren's personality changed. Due to this, he is now seen always with a cheerful smile and his eyes closed regardless of what situation he is in. Later on, he realized what it meant to be stronger or at least /his/ version and ends up killing Hiroto-sensei by crushing his throat with a chakra infused punch and cutting his neck cleanly with a kunai. Afterwards, the test came upon him, the final test to determine who graduates. The Mizukage was kind as to put Ren to fight against his sister Chiyoko. Chiyoko was hesitant being that she was fighting her brother, but that was a mistake on her part. That only ended up as she was decapitated by Ren's open hand infused with chakra -- a chakra blade to be more precise. He was offered to join the anbu, but quickly refused as he had training on his mind in order to get stronger.

Many years had passed by, Ren eventually trained himself and learned as well as mastered two Nature types: the Water Release and Wind Release. He also mastered taijutsu, using his fists and hands as well as his legs as replacements for actual weapons. Feeling like he wanted to use his talents for battle, he asked the new Mizukage, Terumi Mei. She simply suggested that he join the hunter-nin unit. Accepting non-hesitantly, he was introduced to Shadow, Captain of the hunter-nin. From then on, he met the other hunters. Going on his first mission, he traveled near that of Konoha to hunt down a missing-nin that was reported to be seen there. Finally seeing the target, the missing-nin was seen with another person, another missing-nin. In mere moments, he killed them both with only his fists and one kunai. After that day, he became a true hunter. Serving Kirigakure as a hunter in the special unit the Mizukage created was exactly what Ren wanted, but this was only the beginning of his hunter's life. .
More was yet to come.